Installing the Application on Your Mobile Device
12 Avaya one-X™ Mobile User Guide for RIM BlackBerry November 2007
4. On the Download page, under Category: Public, select the appropriate version and
connection type (TCP or MDS).
5. Download the .zip file to your PC.
6. Unzip the .zip file into a temporary folder. You should see two files—a .alx file and a .cod
7. Connect your BlackBerry device to your computer via a USB cable.
8. Launch your BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
9. Click on the Application loader.
10. Follow the installation instructions to install the .alx and .cod files you downloaded to the
temporary folder on your PC.
11. See Set up a WAP Access Point Name (APN)
on page 12.
Set up a WAP Access Point Name (APN)
Sample ANP setup instructions are provided in this section. However, before you make any
APN changes, be sure to verify the settings with your BlackBerry administrator.
APN settings for Cingular
To set up an APN for Cingular carrier:
1. On the main page of your BlackBerry mobile device, select Settings > Options >
Advanced Options > TCP.
2. For Cingular APN, type in lower-case letters wap.cingular.
3. For Username for APN, type in all upper-case letters WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM.
Note: For upper-case letters, hold the CAP key. For the @ symbol, hold the ALT key
and press @.
4. For Password for APN, type in all upper-case letters CINGULAR1.
Note: For 1, hold the ALT key and press 1.
5. Select Save.
6. Go to the Main menu.
7. Turn wireless off.