Getting Started
18 Avaya one-X™ Mobile User Guide for RIM BlackBerry November 2007
Avaya one-X Mobile Home screen
The Home screen provides the following information:
● Send Calls to — lists the phones currently designated to ring when a call comes in to your
office phone. If you chose to send all calls to voicemail, Voicemail appears and all calls,
including those from VIPs, are sent directly to voicemail. Your device will not ring.
● New Voicemail —shows the number of new voicemail messages. If you have more
messages than can be downloaded to your mobile device, the New Voicemail status
shows a ratio. The first number is the number of your most recent messages currently
stored on your mobile device. The second number is the total number of new voicemail
messages in your voicemail account. More messages are downloaded as you delete the
messages on your mobile device.
● Block — shows the current setting of the Block feature. When set to Off, no calls are
blocked. All calls, including non-VIPs, ring through. When set to Non-VIPs, only calls from
people you have designated as VIPs in your Phonebook ring through. All other callers are
sent to your office voicemail.
Avaya one-X Mobile Home menu
Click the trackball to open the Home menu. The menu options available depend on the item
currently highlighted on the Home screen. Some options always appear on the Home menu,
● Call
● Call Log
● Corporate Directory
● Saved Voicemail
● RIM Addresses
● Settings
● Refresh