
Defining a GS1 DataBar (RSS) Symbology
The GS1 DataBar is a family of linear symbologies. Depending on the bar
code data entered, the bar code may appear as a 2D bar code stacked on
top of the linear bar code. For more information about the GS1 DataBar bar
code, refer to the GS1 General Specification.
Syntax B,field#,# of char,fix/var,row,column,
font,density,height,text,alignment,field rot,
B1. B Bar Code Field.
B2. field# Unique number from 1-999 to identify this field.
B3. # of char Maximum number of characters. The actual maximum
number of characters is limited by the size of the label
and bar code density. Range: 0-2710. The default is 30.
B13. Bar Code Type B3. Number of Characters (Max.)
1 - GS1 DataBar 14 13 - no check digit input
2 - GS1 DataBar 14 Truncated 13 - no check digit input
3 - GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked 13 - no check digit input
4 - GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked
Omni directional
13 - no check digit input
5 - GS1 DataBar Limited 13 - no check digit input
6 - GS1 DataBar Expanded *
7 - UPCA 11 - no check digit input
8 - UPCE 10 - no check digit input
9 - EAN13 12 - no check digit input
10 - EAN8 7 - no check digit input
11 - UCC/EAN128 and CC A/B *
12 - UCC/EAN128 and CC C *
* For more information, refer to the GS1 General Specification.
Note: If not enough characters are entered, the bar code pads to the left
with zeros. If too many characters are entered, unpredictable
results may occur.