B13. type Select from the bar code family. Options:
1 GS1 DataBar 14
2 GS1 DataBar 14 Truncated
3 GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked
4 GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked Omni directional
5 GS1 DataBar Limited
6 GS1 DataBar Expanded
9 EAN13
10 EAN8
11 UCC/EAN128 and CC A/B
12 UCC/EAN128 and CC C
B14. sep_height Height of the separator between the linear bar code and
2D bar code. The value is 1 or 2. The default is 1.
B15. segment Width of the segment – only for use with GS1 DataBar
family types listed above. The range is even numbers
from 2 to 22. The default is 22.
Example B,1,30,V,5,5,38,4,0,0,L,0,1,2,22¦
Defines a bar code field (field #3) with up to 30 characters of variable length
starting at row 5, column 5. The GS1 DataBar uses a density of 4. No text
is shown with the bar code. The bar code is left-aligned with no field
1,"123456|Monarch Brand Printers"¦}
This GS1 DataBar uses UCC/EAN128 and CC A/B as the bar code type and
specifies the linear bar code height at 0.35 inches.