
EncrypTight User Guide 131
9 Getting Started with ETPM
The Policy Manager (ETPM) is the security policy management component of the EncrypTight. You use
ETPM to create and manage distributed key policies that you send to the Key Management System
(ETKMS) The ETKMS generates the keys and distributes the keys and policies to the PEPs.
This section includes the following topics:
Opening ETPM
About the ETPM User Interface
About ETPM Policies
Policy Generation and Distribution
Creating a Policy: An Overview
Opening ETPM
ETPM is a separate perspective in EncrypTight. You will use both ETEMS and ETPM to manage PEPs,
ETKMSs, and policies. Only one instance of ETPM can be used to manage EncrypTight components.
To open ETPM:
1 Start EncrypTight.
2 Click the Open Perspective icon on the top right of the perspective tab and select Other, or click
Open on the Window menu and then click Other.
3 From the Open Perspective window, select ETPM and click OK.
After you have opened ETPM, you can use the double angle brackets >> on the perspective tab to
switch between perspectives.
About the ETPM User Interface
The main ETPM window consists of perspectives, views, editors, a menu, and a tool bar (Figure 42):
Perspectives are used to perform a specific set of tasks
Components View is used to manage the policy components.