
About the ETPM User Interface
EncrypTight User Guide 137
ETPM Toolbar
The ETPM toolbar provides shortcuts to frequently performed tasks.
ETPM Status Refresh Interval
By default, automatic status refresh is disabled. You can refresh the status manually by clicking the
Refresh Status button. If you prefer, you can have ETPM automatically check the status of the PEPs
in deployed policies. The default refresh interval is five minutes and can be changed in one minute
increments from 1 to 60 minutes.
To enable or disable automatic status checking:
1 From the ETPM main menu bar, click Edit > Preferences.
2 In the Preferences window, expand the ETPM listing and select Status.
Figure 46 ETPM Preferences
3Click Enable automatic status refresh to have ETPM automatically check the status of the PEPs, or
clear the check box to turn off the feature.
4 If you enabled automatic status checking, enter the interval in minutes in the Refresh Interval box.
5Click Apply.
Table 38 ETPM toolbar
Button Description
Saves the configuration in the active editor.
imports networks and network sets from a CSV file. For more information on using
this feature, see “Importing Networks and Network Sets” on page 172.
Refreshes the status of all ETPM components.
Deploys the ETPM policies. Sends the policy information to the Key Management
System for distribution to the PEPs.
Manually renews the keys for all policies, and refreshes policy lifetimes for Bypass
and Drop policies. Renew the keys manually only if you suspect your key security
has been compromised, and wait at least 10 minutes before manually renewing keys
again. Because the PEP maintains the previous keys for up to five minutes to prevent
traffic interruptions, if you renew keys manually the number of keys and security
associations (SAs) on each PEP doubles for a period of 5 to 10 minutes.
Checks your policies for conformance to the policy rules prior to deployment. This
tool performs the same consistency checks on policies that are performed during a
deploy operation. It differs from the deployment verification in that it does not check
communication links to the ETKMS.