Appendix 131
Q: Is there a loop detection and isolation feature available in
10/100 Managed Hub, in case two switch modules (internal bridging
enabled on the hardware) are installed in the same stack?
A: No. The stack will go into a loop even before the software has booted.
Therefore, the only control is on hardware (jumpers on the PC board).
Q: In Web-Based Management, the Hub’s front panel is not displayed.
A: For Netscape users, you need to clear the memory cache. To clear
memory cache, from the Netscape menu bar, select Edit, select
Preferences from the drop down list, click the + sign beside Advanced
and then select Clear Memory Cache.
Q: I do not see the graphic of the unit when I use Internet Explorer
as my browser.
A: If you are using Internet Explorer version 4.72 or newer, you will
need to modify the Java settings. From the task bar, select View,
then Internet Options, then Security. Set security to Custom, then go
into Settings. From here, scroll down to Java and click Custom. A
Java Custom Settings box displays in the lower left corner. Select this
box, highlight Permission Given to Unsigned Content, then select the
Edit Permission tab. Finally, select Enable under Run Unsigned