44 10/100 Managed Hub
Monitoring Port Statistics
You can monitor statistics of individual ports or all ports simultaneously
using the Statistics Menu. The table, “Port Statistics Counters” lists the
available counters that can be monitored.
Port Statistic Counters
Counter Type Displayed
READABLE FRAMES The total number of frames received on the hub port.
READABLE OCTETS The total number of octets of data received on
the hub port.
FCS ERRORS The total number of packets received by the port
that had bad Frame Check Sequence.
ALIGN ERRORS The total number of packets received that have bad
FCS with a non-integral number of octets.
FRM TOO LONG The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (including FCS octets
but excluding framing bits) and were otherwise well
SHORT EVENTS The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets (including FCS octets but
excluding framing bits) and were otherwise well
RUNTS The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets due to collisions or activity duration
was greater than the ShortEventMaxTime event and
less than the ValidPacketMinTime event.
COLLISIONS Total collisions.
LATE EVENTS Total events received by the port where the activity
duration is greater than the LateEventThreshold.
VERY LONG EVENTS Total events received by the port where the activity
duration is greater than the MAU Jabber Lockup
Protection timer TW3.
RATE MISMATCH Total frames received by the port with no collisions
and the activity duration greater than the
ValidPacketMinTime event and also frequency (data
rate) is mismatched from the local frames mismatch