Blodgett IQ2T Control
Oven Startup:
1. To ggl e the POWER SWITCH (1) to ON.The
oven preheats to the lowest programmed first
stage temperature. T he LEDS (16) for all prod-
ucts with the same first stage temperature light.
While the unit preheats the TOP DISPLAY (2)
gives the set temperature. The BOTTOM DIS-
PLA Y (4) reads Lo iftheovenismorethan10_
below setpoin t. When the oven reaches ¦10_
of the preheat temperature an alarm sounds
and the bottom display reads Ready.
Single Product Cooking Procedure:
NOTE: If the led next to the desired product key is
lit skip step 1.
1. P ress the desi red PRODUCT KEY (17). The
oven preheats to the fi rst stage temperature for
the sel ected product. When the oven reaches
¦10_ of the preheat temperature an alarm
sounds and the bottom display reads Rea dy.
2. Load the product into the oven. Press the de -
sired PRODUCT KEY (17).
If the shelf timing function is toggled on for that
product key, the top display reads SHLF and
the bottom display reads the programmed
product’s time. Press a SHELF KEY (18) to as-
sign the product to that shelf and start the
cook cycle. The top display reads SHLF,the
bottom display gives the shelf #. Within five
seconds, the top display reads SH-1,thebot-
tom display gives the remaining cook time.
If the shelf timing function is toggled off for that
product key, pressing the product key will
start the cook cycle. The TOP DISPLAY (2)
r e a ds --- --- --- --- . T h e B O T T OM D I S PL AY ( 4 )
counts down the cook time in minutes: sec-
NOTE: If t he selected product has a cook time
of greater t han 59:59 the top display
r e ad s H r --- --- f o r t h e to t a l n um b e r o f
hours. The bottom display counts down
the c ook time in minutes:seconds.
NOTE: If the select e d produc t is a single sta ge
rec ipe the L ED S for a ll s ingle sta ge
products with th e same cook tempera-
ture an d fan speed will light . If t h e se-
lec te d produ c t is a multiple stage r ec-
ipe no o th e r product LEDS will light .
NOTE: Press and hold the selected product
key for three seconds to cancel the
cook cycle for normal operation. To
cancel the cook cycle when using
shelf timing, press and hold the
SHELF KEY (18) for 3 seconds or
press TOGGLE/CLEAR (11) and the
corresponding shelf key.
3. When the cook time expires an alarm sounds
and the top display reads donE.
4. Press the selected product key to silence the
alarm. Remove the product. If shelf timing is
used, press the flashing SHELF KEY (18) to si-
lence the alarm.
Multiple Batch Cooking Procedure:
This procedure is for single stage recipes with the
same cook temperature and fan s peed only.
NOTE: If the led next to the first desired product
key is lit skip step 1.
1. Press the first desired PRODUCT KEY (17).
The LEDS for all recipes with the same cook
temperature and fan speed will light.
The oven preheats to the cook temperature for
the selected product. When the oven reaches
¦10_ of the preheat temperature an alarm
sounds and the bottom display reads Ready.
2. Load the product into the oven. Press the de -
sired PRODUCT KEY (17).
If the shelf timing function is toggled on for that
product key, the top display reads SHLF and
the bottom display reads the programmed
product’s time. Press a SHELF KEY (18) to as-
sign the product to that shelf and start the
cook cycle. The top display reads SHLF,the
bottom display gives the shelf #. Within five
seconds, the top display reads SH-1,thebot-
tom display gives the remaining cook time.
If the shelf timing function is toggled off for that
product key, pressing the product key will
start the cook cycle. The TOP DISPLAY (2)
r e a ds --- --- --- --- . T h e B O T T OM D I S PL AY ( 2 )
counts down the cook time in minutes: sec-