Blodgett IQ2T Control
Entering the Programming Mode:
1. Press and hold the PROG KEY (10). The top
display reads CodE.
2. Use the product keys to enter the program-
ming access code: 3 1 2 4. Press the ENTER
KEY (14). The top display reads Prod.
3. Press the desired product key followed by the
NOTE: D uring the programming process y ou may:
Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to
erase the current setting or toggle be-
tween specific settings. Press the SCAN
KEY (15) to move to the n ext programming
function keeping the current setting the
same. Press the PROG KEY (10) to exit the
programming mode.
Programming the Cook Time:
1. The top display reads P1:__. The bottom dis-
play gives the current programmed cook time
for stage 1 in minutes:seconds. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). Use the product
keys to enter the new cook time. Press the EN-
TER KEY (14) to save the new cook time.
2. The top display reads P2:__. The control is
asking for the cook time for stage 2 of this rec-
ipe. Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to
enter a time of 0:00:00 for P2:.
NOTE: This tells the controller that there are
no more stages for this recipe. Once
a single stage recipe has been estab-
lished the control will only allow en-
tries for one stage on all further param-
eters for this product.
3. Press the ENTER KEY (14) again. The top dis-
play reads P1:. The bottom display shows the
cook time.
4. Press the SCAN KEY (15) to advance the pro-
gramming mode to cook tempera ture.
Programming the Cook Temperature:
1. The top display reads C t --- 1 . The bottom dis-
play gives the current cook temperature. Use
the product keys to enter the desired cook
2. Press the SCAN KEY (15) to advance the pro-
gramming mode to fan speed.
Programming the Fan Speed:
1. The top display reads SPd1. The bottom dis -
play gives the current fan speed. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). The bottom dis-
play toggles between HI and Lo.
2. Press the SCAN KEY (15) to advance the pro-
gramming mode to t he fan cycle time.
There a re 3 options for fan cycle time: Pulse, Heat
and Full. Pulse allows the fan to turn on and off as
programmed. Heat allows the fan to operate with
heat only. Full provides continuous fan operation.
1. The top display reads CYC1. The bottom dis-
play gives the current fan cycle. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). The bottom dis-
play toggles between PULS, HEAt and FULL.
2. If heat or full are selected press the SCAN KEY
(15) to save the new fan cycle and advance to
timing mode.
If pulse is selected press the SCAN KEY (15)
and continue with Steps 3---4 to program the
pulse cycle.
3. The top display reads on --- 1 . The bottom dis-
play gives the current pulse on time. Use t he
product keys to enter the desired pulse on
time from 10 to 60 seconds. Press the SCAN
KEY (15).
4. The top display reads o f --- 1 . The bottom dis-
play gives the current pulse off time. Use the
product keys to enter the desired pulse off
time from 10 to 60 seconds. Press the SCAN
KEY (15) to advance the programming mode
to shelf mode.