10. Reinstall tank lid assembly into hot water tank. Make sure
the lid gasket is properly in place, then reinstall the hold-
down clamps.
11. Remove spray disks and gaskets. Rinse both brew heads
with clean water. Using a stiff brush, scrub spray disk to
remove any lime or calcium build-up. Reinstall gaskets
and spray disks.
13. Reconnect brewer to electrical supply .
14. Install the brew chamber without filter paper or grounds.
15. Place an empty satellite under the brew chamber. Run at
least five 1-1/2 gallon brew cycles and discard all water
generated at the end of each cycle.
Repeat for the other side.
16. Rinse satellite with clean water. Reinstall one empty
satellite under each brew chamber.
Brewer is ready to use.
NOTE: Normally, silicone
hoses do not need to be
delimed. Should deliming
hoses become necessary,
Bloomfield recommends
replacing the hoses.
661 74415 9311 Single Satellite Brewer