Chapter 3. Using CMFMON’s Write Facility 57
Collects data on transactions occurring for a subsystem or performance group. The default is to
collect data for all subsystems and performance groups. Data is collected in SMF79 subtype 8
records and reflects activity that occurred during the current CMF recording interval.
Note: Transaction data is available only when the CMF Extractor is active with the
WORKLOAD statement in CPM mode.
SUBSYS Up to 32 subsystems for which data is to be collected.
PG Up to 32 performance groups or ranges of performance groups for which
data is to be collected.
Example 1
Collects data on transactions occurring in the subsystem BBCS.
Example 2
TRX PG=(1:12)
Collects data on transactions occurring in performance groups 1 through 12, inclusive.
Example 3
TRX PG=227
Collects data on transactions occurring in performance group 227.