6. Startthedishwasher
7. TostopDishwasher
SMU2000 SMU4000
Figure 2.
The BOSCH SMU 2000/4000 series dishwashers are
exceptionally quiet and during some parts of the cycles
may be completely silent. The program sequence moni-
tor, figure 2, serves to show where the dishwasher is in
a cycle. The SMU 2000"s location in the cycle is noted
by the rotation of the monitor dial. The SMU 4000's
location in the cycle is marked by a pointer that moves
across the window located directly above the dial.
When the program cycle is complete the indicator light
above the on/off switch will remain on. To switch off the
indicator light simply depress the on/off button.
It is not necessary to switch off the indicator immediate-
ly. In fact, it is suggested that the indicator be left on un-
til you are ready to put the dishes away. Once the dis-
hes are put away simply depress the on/off button to
switch off the indicator above the on/off button. If you
get in the habit of using the dishwasher in this way you
will always know if the dishes in the washer have been
cleaned or not.
To interrupt cycle simply depress the on/off button to
stop operation. If you are interruptingthe cycle during
a wash or rinse cycle please wait untilthe water noises
stop before opening the door. The cycle may be resu-
med by closing the door and depressing the on/off
As a safety feature the dishwasher will automatically
turn itself off whenever the door is unlatched. However,
if the door is opened quickly while in a wash or rinse cy-
cle some water may splash out of the dishwasher. For
this reason it is recommended that the machine always
be switched to off before opening the door.
If you wish to reset the program to its beginning after
stopping the dishwasher:
1. Close the door of the dishwasher. Make sure that
the door is completely closed and latched.
2. Turn the sequence monitor dial until indicator is back
to the start of the program.
3. The dishwasher is now reset and ready to run your
selected wash program. Simply depress on/off
button to restart the dishwasher.
/ \
Figure 3.
Rinse agent, or a rinse aid, is used to diminish water
spotting and to provide optimum drying results. It is
recommended that a rinse agent be used at all times
with the Bosch dishwasher. In a Bosch dishwasher the
rinse agent notonly serves to rinse the dishware, but al-
so serves to rinse the tank and inner door of the dish-
washer. The tank and innerdoor will begin to take on a
dull, unpolishedlook,if rinse agent is not used.
The Bosch dishwasher is equipped with a reservoir for
storing and dispensing liquid rinse agent. See figure 4.
Rinse agent is available in liquid or solid form. Do not
use the solid type of rinse agent in the Bosch dishwas-
To fill the rinse agent reservoir (refer to figure 5):
• Turn the lid of the rinse agent reservoir counter-
clockwise (,,,_,)and remove.
• Pour the rinse agent into the reservoir until the clear
level indicator turns completely dark. The reservoir is
full when the level indicator is dark.
• Replace rinse agent reservoir cover and lock in place
by pressing down and turning clockwise (,-,_).
A full reservoir will provide enough rinse agent for
approximately 30 washes.
Figure 4.