Back Exercises
Narrow Lat Pulldowns with Hand Grips—Shoulder Extension (with elbow flexion)
Reverse Grip Pulldowns—Shoulder Extension (with elbow flexion)
• Grasp the Hand Grips with an
underhand grip (palms toward
your face). Keep your palms
facing outward throughout the
exercise. Hands should be a
comfortable distance apart.
• Sit, arms extending upward,
muscles relaxed and ready.
• You may position your thighs
directly beneath the pulleys, but
lean back slightly from hips.
• Initiate the movement by pulling
your shoulder blades downward
and together, drawing your
elbows down toward your hips
and then inward into your trunk.
• Shoulders should be fully
depressed at end of movement.
• Forearms should stay in line with
the direction of the cables.
• Slowly return to the start
position, without relaxing the
tension in your shoulders.
• Grasp the Hand Grips in both
hands, as if they are one, larger
Grip. Keep your palms facing
each other throughout exercise.
• Sit, arms extending upward,
muscles relaxed and ready.
• You may position your thighs
directly beneath the pulleys, but
lean back slightly from hips.
• Initiate the movement by pulling
your shoulder blades downward
and together, drawing your
elbows down toward your hips
and then inward into your trunk.
• The Hand Grips may not touch
your chest.
• Forearms should stay in line with
the direction of the cables.
• Slowly return to the start
position, without relaxing the
tension in your shoulders.
Muscles worked:
Latissimus Dorsi; Teres Major;
Rear Deltoids; Biceps
Seated—Facing Power Rod® unit
Hand Grips
Lat Cross Bar—Narrow Pulleys
Leg Extension:
Success Tips
• Lift your chest, keep your knees bent and
feet on Standing Platform.
• Do not bend your neck forwards or
backwards during motion.
• Keep your spine aligned, abs tight and
a slight arch in your lower back. Do not
Muscles worked:
Latissimus Dorsi; Teres Major;
Rear Deltoids; Biceps
Seated—Facing Power Rod® unit
Hand Grips
Lat Cross Bar—Narrow Pulleys
Leg Extension:
Success Tips
• Lift your chest, keep your knees bent and
feet on Standing Platform.
• Do not bend your neck forwards or
backwards during motion.
• Keep your spine aligned, abs tight and a
slight arch in your lower back.
Do not slouch.