Packaged Rooftop Electric Cooling Unit with Gas Heat –
Constant Volume Application
HVAC Guide Specifications
Size Range: 24,000 to 60,000 Btuh,
Nominal (Input Heating)
2 to 5 Tons, Nominal (Cooling)
Bryant Model
Number: 581C
PART 1 — General
Outdoor rooftop mounted, electrically controlled heating
and cooling unit utilizing a hermetic compressor(s) for
cooling duty and gas combustion for heating duty. Unit
shall discharge supply air vertically or horizontally as
shown on contract drawings.
A. Unit exceeds ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Energy Standards.
Units 003-006 are Energy Star qualified.
B. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210
or 360 as applicable. Designed in accordance with UL
Standard 1995.
C. Unit shall be designed to conform to ASHRAE 15, latest
D. Unit shall be UL-tested and certified in accordance with
ANSI Z21.47 Standards and UL-listed and certified under
Canadian standards as a total package for safety
E. Roof curb shall be designed to conform to NRCA Stan-
F. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A require-
ments for flame spread and smoke generation.
G. Unit casing shall be capable of withstanding 500-hour
salt spray exposure per ASTM B117 (scribed specimen).
H. Unit shall be designed in accordance with ISO
9001:2000, and shall be manufactured in a facility regis-
tered to ISO 9001:2000.
I. Each unit shall be subjected to a completely automated
run testing on the assembly line. A factory-supplied print-
out indicating tested pressures, amperages, data, and
inspectors; providing certification of the unit status at the
time of manufacture; shall be available upon request.
Unit shall be stored and handled per manufacturer’s recom-
PART 2 — Product
A. General:
Factory assembled, single-piece heating and cooling
unit. Contained within the unit enclosure shall be all fac-
tory wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant charge (R-22),
and special features required prior to field start-up.
B. Unit Cabinet:
1. Unit cabinet shall be constructed of galvanized
steel, and shall be bonderized and coated with a
prepainted baked enamel finish on all externally
exposed surfaces. The color of this pre-painted
steel is referred to as “American Sterling,” a gray
color. Bryant’s paint specification for this color is
Color: American Sterling, this gray color is to match
federal standard 595a, #26231.
Gloss (per ASTM 0523, 60 deg. F): 60.
Hardness of paint film: H-2H pencil hardness.
2. Evaporator fan compartment interior cabinet sur-
faces shall be insulated with a minimum
-in. thick,
1 lb density, flexible fiberglass insulation, neoprene
coated on the air side. Aluminum foil-faced fiber-
glass insulation shall be used in the gas heat com-
3. Cabinet panels shall be easily removable for servic-
4. Holes shall be provided in the base rails for rigging
shackles to facilitate maneuvering and overhead
5. Unit shall have a factory-installed, sloped conden-
sate drain pan made of a non-corrosive material,
providing a minimum
-in.-14 NPT. connection with
both vertical and horizontal drains, and shall comply
with ASHRAE Standard 62.
6. Unit shall have a factory-installed filter access panel
to provide filter access with tool-less removal.
7. Unit shall have standard thru-the-bottom gas and
power connection capability (accessory kit is
C. Fans:
1. Evaporator Fan:
a. Fan shall be belt driven as shown on the equip-
ment drawings. Belt drive shall include an
adjustable-pitch motor pulley.
b. Fan wheel shall be double-inlet type with for-
ward-curved blades.
c. Bearings shall be sealed, permanently lubri-
cated ball-bearing type for longer life and lower
2. Evaporator fan shall be made from steel with a cor-
rosion-resistant finish and shall be dynamically bal-
3. Condenser fan shall be of the direct-driven (with
totally enclosed motors) propeller type and shall
discharge air vertically.
4. Condenser fan shall have aluminum blades riveted
to corrosion-resistant steel spiders and shall be
dynamically balanced.
5. Induced-draft blower shall be of the direct-driven,
single inlet, forward-curved centrifugal type, made
from steel with a corrosion-resistant finish and shall
be dynamically balanced.
D. Compressor(s):
1. Fully hermetic type, internally protected scroll-type.
2. Factory mounted on rubber grommets and internally
spring mounted for vibration isolation.
3. Units shall be electrically and mechanically single
circuits (one compressor per circuit).
E. Coils:
1. Standard evaporator and condenser coils shall
have aluminum lanced plate fins mechanically
bonded to seamless internally grooved copper
tubes with all joints brazed.
581C 024-060 UNITS ARE