GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS — 581C024-060 (cont)
The lockout protection shall be easily discon-
nected at the control board, if necessary.
b. Heating section shall be provided with the fol-
lowing minimum protections:
1) High-temperature limit switches.
2) Induced draft motor speed sensor.
3) Flame rollout switch.
4) Flame proving controls.
J. Operating Characteristics:
1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running at 125
F ambient outdoor temperature, meeting maximum
load criteria of ARI Standard 210/240 or 360 at +
10% voltage.
2. Compressor with standard controls shall be capable
of operation down to 25 F ambient outdoor temper-
K. Electrical Requirements:
All unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a single
factory-predrilled location.
L. Motors:
1. Compressor motors shall be cooled by refrigerant
gas passing through motor windings and shall have
line break thermal and current overload protection.
2. Evaporator-fan motor shall have permanently lubri-
cated bearings and inherent automatic-reset ther-
mal overload protection. Evaporator motors are
designed specifically for Carrier and do not have
conventional horsepower (HP) ratings listed on the
motor nameplate. Motors are designed and quali-
fied in the “air-over” location downstream of the
cooling coil and carry a maximum continuous bhp
rating that is the maximum application bhp rating for
the motor; no “safety factors” above that rating may
be applied.
3. Totally enclosed condenser-fan motor shall have
permanently lubricated bearings, and inherent auto-
matic-reset thermal overload protection.
4. Induced-draft motor shall have permanently lubri-
cated sealed bearings and inherent automatic-reset
thermal overload protection.
M. Special Features:
Certain features are not applicable when the features
designated * are specified. For assistance in
amending the specifications, contact your local Bryant
Sales Office.
1. Roof Curbs (Horizontal and Vertical):
a. Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer strip
and shall be capable of supporting entire unit
b. Permits installation and securing of ductwork to
curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
*2. Integrated Economizers:
a. Integrated integral modulating type capable of
simultaneous economizer and compressor oper-
b. Available as a factory-installed option in vertical
supply/return configuration only. (Available as a
field-installed accessory for dedicated horizontal
and/or vertical supply return configurations.)
c. Includes all hardware and controls to provide
cooling with outdoor air.
d. Equipped with low-leakage dampers, not to
exceed 2% leakage at 1 in. wg pressure differ-
e. Capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air.
f. EconoMi$er IV and EconoMi$er2 shall be
equipped with a barometric relief damper capa-
ble of relieving up to 100% return air.
g. Designed to close damper(s) during loss-of-
power situations with spring return built into
h. Dry bulb outdoor-air temperature sensor shall be
provided as standard. Outdoor air sensor set
point is adjustable and shall range from 40 to
100 F. For the EconoMi$er IV, the return air sen-
sor, indoor enthalpy sensor, and outdoor
enthalpy sensor shall be provided as field-
installed accessories to provide enthalpy control,
differential enthalpy control, and differential dry
bulb temperature control. For the EconoMi$er2,
the enthalpy, differential temperature (adjust-
able), and differential enthalpy control shall be
provided as field-installed accessories.
i. The EconoMi$er IV and EconoMi$er2 shall have
a gear-driven parallel blade design.
j. EconoMi$er IV microprocessor control shall pro-
vide control of internal building pressure through
its accessory power exhaust function. Factory
set at 100%, with a range of 0% to 100%.
k. EconoMi$er2 shall be capable of control from a
4 to 20 mA signal through optional 4 to 20 mA
design without microprocessor control (required
for PremierLink™ or third party control inter-
l. EconoMi$er IV Microprocessor Occupied Mini-
mum Damper Position Setting maintains the
minimum airflow into the building during occu-
pied period providing design ventilation rate for
full occupancy (damper position during heating).
A remote potentiometer may be used to override
the set point.
m. EconoMi$er IV Microprocessor Unoccupied Min-
imum Damper Position Setting — The
EconoMi$er IV dampers shall be closed when
the unit is in the occupied mode.
n. EconoMi$er IV Microprocessor IAQ/DCV Maxi-
mum Damper Position Setting — Setting the
maximum position of the damper prevents the
introduction of large amounts of hot or cold air
into the space. This position is intended to sat-
isfy the base minimum ventilation rate.
o. EconoMi$er IV Microprocessor IAQ/DCV control
modulates the outdoor-air damper to provide
ventilation based on the optional 2 to 10 vdc
sensor input.
p. Compressor lockout sensor (opens at 35 F,
closes at 50 F).
q. Actuator shall be direct coupled to economizer
gear, eliminating linkage arms and rods.
r. Control LEDs:
1) When the outdoor air damper is capable of
providing free cooling, the “Free Cool” LED
shall illuminate.
2) The IAQ LED indicates when the module is
on the DCV mode.
3) The EXH LED indicates when the exhaust
fan contact is closed.
s. Remote Minimum Position Control — A field-
installed accessory remote potentiometer allows
the outdoor air damper to be opened or closed
beyond the minimum position in the occupied
mode for modified ventilation.