579F180-300, 580F180-300, AND 581A155-180
1. Refer to unit price pages or contact your local representative for
accessory and option package information.
2. Some options may increase product lead times.
3. No other options are available with hot gas reheat units.
25% Open Two-Position Damper X
Barometric Relief Damper (not for use with Horizontal Adapter Curb) X
Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly (180-240) X
Convenience Outlet (Load Side) X
Copper Fins Indoor and Outdoor Coil X
Copper Fins Outdoor Coil X
E-Coat Outdoor Coil (Aluminum) X
E-Coat Outdoor Coil (Copper) X
EconoMi$er IV with Controller XX
EconoMi$er2 (without Controller) X
Electronic Programmable Thermostat X
Enthalpy or Differential Enthalpy Sensor X
Fan/Filter Status X
High-Static Motor and Drive X
Hinged Access Panels X
Horizontal Adapter Curb (180-240) X
Humidistat X
Indoor Air Quality (CO
) Sensor X
Light Commercial Thermidistat™ Device X
LP (Liquid Propane) Conversion Kit X
Manual Outdoor-Air Damper X
Motormaster® I, V Head Pressure Control (Low Ambient Kit) X
Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor X
Power Exhaust without Barometric Relief X
Pre-coat Aluminum Fins on Outdoor Coil X
Return Air CO
Sensor X
Return Air Enthalpy Sensor X
Return Air Temperature Sensor X
Roof Curbs (Vertical and Horizontal Discharge) X
Thermostats and Subbases X
Time Guard II (Compressor Cycle Delay) Control Circuit X
Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamps X
Unit-Mounted Non-Fused Disconnect X
Winter Start Time Delay X