c. E-COATED ALUMINUM FIN coils undergo a precisely
controlled scientific process that bonds an impermeable
epoxy coating to the specially prepared fin coil surface.
E-Coating produces a smooth, consistent coating that is
less brittle, more resilient and more durable than previ-
ous postcoating processes. E-Coated aluminum-fin coils
offer economical protection and improved coil life in
many contaminated environments.
d. E-COATED COPPER-FIN COILS provide maximum
protection in virtually all environments, this option com-
bines the continuous, impenetrable barrier of the E-
Coating process with the natural resistance of an all-cop-
per construction. E-Coated copper-fin coil assemblies
ensure long life, even in environments that combine
harsh coastal conditions with industrial contamination.
16. ECONOMI$ER IV — The EconoMi$er IV factory-installed
economizer package includes a gear-driven damper sys-
tem that modulates the return air and outdoor air supply to
the rooftop unit in order to take advantage of “free cooling”
with outdoor air when conditions are suitable. The system
utilizes industry proven technology available for integrating
the use of outdoor air for cooling with mechanical cooling
for 3 through 25-ton rooftop units. The intuitive
EconoMi$er IV microprocessor-based controller optimizes
and enhances rooftop operation through reduced energy
consumption, optimal zone comfort, and efficient equip-
ment cycling. This is accomplished by operating the com-
pressors when the outdoor air temperature is too warm,
integrating the compressors with outdoor air when free
cooling is available, and locking out the compressor when
outdoor air temperature is too cold. The detailed sequence
of operation is described in the Controls section with a brief
description of selected application items here.
a. THERMOSTAT INTERFACE — The EconoMi$er IV con-
trol was designed to work with conventional thermostats
that have Y1 (cooling stage 1), Y2 (cooling stage 2), W1
(heat stage 1), W2 (heat stage 2), and G (fan). In addi-
tion, the EconoMi$er IV will support an occupied/
unoccupied switch (typically integrated into the thermo-
stat or Thermidistat™ device). When the switch is
closed, it provides a 24-vac signal to the unit for occu-
pied mode, and provides no signal to indicate unoccu-
pied mode. The EconoMi$er IV control can be
configured to allow different minimum economizer
damper positions and to allow the use of mechanical
cooling in the occupied mode.
NOTE: Do not drill in this area, damage to basepan may result in
water leak.
6'-2 3/8'' MAX.
5'-9 3/16'' MAX.
5 3/16
24'' MIN.
1'-0 3/16''
1'-7 15/16''
4'-6 13/16''
1'-0 3/16''
1'-10 11/16''
Shaded area indicates block-off panels.
NOTE: Dimensions A, A′ and B, B′ are obtained from field-supplied
ceiling diffuser.
Concentric Duct Details
(Dura-Shield Option)
Standard, Non-Corrosive Mild Coastal Severe Coastal Industrial
Combined Coastal
and Industrial
Standard, Al/Cu X
Pre-Coated Al/Cu X
Cu/Cu X
E-Coated Al/Cu XX
E-Coated Cu/Cu X
Al/Cu — Aluminum Fin with Copper Tube Coil E-Coated — Extremely Flexible and Durable Epoxy Coating Uniformly
Cu/Cu — Copper Fin with Copper Tube Coil Applied to the Coil Surfaces
Dura-Shield — Family of Coil Protection Options Pre-Coated — Epoxy Coating Applied to Fin Stock Material