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automatically light the pilot light, monitor its safety for about 20 seconds and then it will light the
burner on high flame.
To alternate between high and low flame use the flame buttons on the right hand side of the
To turn the fire OFF press the ● button on the top left hand side of the remote handset.
The fire is fitted with a comfort thermostat behind the ash pan door and it is possible to set this to
modulate the fire between off and on. If the pilot is alight but the main burner will not light, check
the position of this thermostat before changing batteries etc.
An audible signal is heard when the fire receives a signal from the handset. This will help you to
know that the fire has received your instruction and is changing settings. When the battery power
is low, a continuous bleep will be heard from the fire and it will allow you to shut down safely but
will not reignite.
The gap between the pilot electrode and the pilot should be 3.5 – 4.5mm and normally
adjustment is not necessary (the electrode is very brittle). The spark should jump across the gap
between the electrode anod the gas outlet on the pilot head. If the igniter fails a lighted taper can
be inserted into the pilot area to check that gas is reaching the pilot.
10.1 TEST THE GAS PRESSURE. Turn the fire on full, attach a manometer to the inlet test
point and ensure there is a pressure of 20mb (+/- 1mb) for natural gas appliances or 37mb for
propane appliances. Now turn on every other gas appliance in the house and re-check the
pressure. The pressure must still be within the tolerance of +/- 1mb. Now turn off all the other gas
appliances and turn the fire down to pilot only, the pressure must still be within the tolerance of
+/- 1mb. If it is not TRANSCO, BORD GAIS or the propane supplier must be called to adjust the
governor to the house before the fire can be commissioned further.
Brief the customer on the operation of the appliance and give them all the instructions. The
customer must be told of the need for regular servicing of the appliance, this will be at least once
a year and be made aware that no rubbish is to be thrown onto the fire bed. The customer must
also be made aware that purpose provided ventilation should be checked regularly.
If you have any questions or the fire is not operating correctly, phone the Burley help-line
BEFORE you leave the installation.
If the appliance is not fitted in strict accordance with these instructions, Burley cannot be held
responsible for any damage caused and reserve the right to charge for any corrective work.
A room temperature thermostat is provided. It is set for a normal range of operating temperatures
but for more accurate monitoring of room temperature it is advised that the sensing bulb is
removed from the fire and carefully moved to a cooler location up to 1 metre away, taking care
not to break or pinch the capillary tube.
There is a highly sensitive oxygen depletion sensor designed into the pilot light. If any part is
damaged the entire unit must be replaced. Do not attempt to bend or alter the flame head,
thermocouple or aeration hole. Use only genuine spare parts as similar looking parts from other
appliances may well give different or inferior performance and could lead to a hazard.