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Thank you for choosing this burley product. All of our products carry a CE mark which is awarded
by an independent test house (notified body) and shows the fires have been type tested to meet
the essential requirements of the European Gas Appliance Directive and the appropriate British
This is a highly efficient Flueless Inset Live Fuel Effect Appliance. The burner system is very clean
burning and a catalyst cleans the combustion products even further.
A thermostat in the burner control system adjusts heat output to maintain a room temperature,
which can easily be set by the user. There is also a separate control to adjust the flame effect as
required. Please demonstrate its operation to the customer before leaving.
An oxygen depletion sensing pilot light is also fitted and will sense any significant oxygen depletion
in the room and shut the fire down safely.
Refer to the appliance data (affixed beside control knob) ENSURE THAT THE LOCAL CONDITIONS
Natural Gas G20 LPG (Propane) G31
Category I2H I3P
Supply Pressure 20mBar 37mBar
Inlet Pressure 20mBar* 37mBar*
Heat Input (net) (High) 2.5kW 2.5kW (180g/h)
(Low) 1.5kW 1.5kW (107g/h)
Inlet Connection 8mm Compression 8mm Compression
Injector Manual Elbow 300 Elbow 90
Remote Elbow 180 Elbow 85
*The inlet pressure must be within +/- 1mBar of specification with all gas appliances in the house
switched on and also with just the Burley heater operating. If outside of this tolerance the fault is
most likely to be in the installation pipe work or service governor at the meter. If the problem is
the meter governor, this is the property of the gas service provider (such as Transco / National
Grid 0800 111999 or Bord Gais) and they should be called to rectify this. The fire will not operate
correctly if the pressures are incorrect.
2.1 Carefully examine the carton for damage before unpacking. If it is obviously damaged,
consult the supplier over whether to proceed.
2.2 Make sure the carton is stood upright and open the top. Remove
the cardboard top fitting, this can be used as a hearth protector
when installing the fire.
2.3 Remove the fittings boxes contained within and open them and
check the condition of the contents. Remove the fire and examine
its general condition, paying particular attention to the decorative
frame, the glass front and fire box flanges.
2.4 The fire case is attached to the chassis using clips and 2 transit
screws in the lower rear of the case. These screws can be
removed and discarded.
2.5 If satisfied by the general condition, place the decorative
components to one side and proceed with the installation. If in any doubt, seek advice
from the supplier. Read these instructions fully before proceeding even if you have fitted
this model before.