Cadillac CUE Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-
7639728) - 2015 - CRC - 9/3/14
100 Infotainment System
Map Data Updates
The map data in the vehicle is the
most up-to-date information
available when the vehicle was
produced. The map data is updated
periodically, provided that the map
information has changed.
For questions about the operation of
the navigation system or the update
process, contact the GM Nav Disc
Center toll-free phone number,
1-877-NAV-DISC (1-877-628-3472)
or go to the center’s website,
www.gmnavdisc.com. If updates are
needed, call the GM Nav Disc
Center or order online.
To order, have the vehicle’s Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN)
available. This helps the center
make sure that the correct and most
up-to-date map data for the vehicle
is received. See “Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN)” in the
owner manual.
Database Coverage
Coverage areas vary with respect to
the level of map detail available for
any given area. Some areas feature
greater levels of detail than others.
If this happens, it does not mean
there is a problem with the system.
As the map data is updated, more
detail can become available for
areas that previously had limited
detail. See Map Data Updates on
page 100.
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition allows for
hands-free operation within the
navigation, audio, phone, and
weather applications. This feature
can be started by pressing either
g button on the steering wheel
g on the touchscreen display.
However, not all features within
these areas are supported by voice
commands. Generally, only complex
tasks that require multiple manual
interactions to complete are
supported by voice commands.
For example, tasks that take more
than one or two button presses such
as selecting a song or artist to play
from a media device would be
supported by voice commands.
Other tasks, like adjusting the
volume or seeking up or down, are
audio features that are easily
performed by pressing one or two
buttons, and are not supported by
voice commands.