Cadillac CUE Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-
7639728) - 2015 - CRC - 9/3/14
72 Infotainment System
Route segment preferences are
other options showing on the
Routing Preferences menu.
These include:
Use Toll Roads ON/OFF
Use Freeways ON/OFF
Use Carpool Lanes ON/OFF
Avoid Slow Traffic ON/OFF
Use Tunnels ON/OFF
Use Time Restricted Roads
Traffic (If Equipped)
Press to browse the traffic in the
area as well as adjust the traffic
settings. Where traffic information is
available, it is displayed on the map.
Where live traffic flow data is
available, it is displayed as a solid
line adjacent to the road. The road
is displayed in colors to show the
flow rate as:
Black – Stopped or Closed
Red – Poor
Yellow – Slow
Green – Normal
There are several options on the
Traffic menu:
Show Nearby Traffic Incidents
Show Flow On Map ON/OFF
Show Icons On Map ON/OFF
Traffic Routing Preferences
Traffic Types
1. Press Show Nearby Traffic
Incidents to access the Traffic
List menu. This menu displays
the incident symbol and highway
name, along with the distance
and heading to the incident.