Setting Wheel Circumference
You can input two kinds of wheel circumferences into MSC-
2Dx, so it can be quickly switched between two bikes.
1. Determine the wheel circumference.
Refer to the Tire Size Reference Table below to determine
your tire's circumference. For the most accurate setting
you can perform a “wheel roll-out”. To do this pump your
tires up to normal pressure. On a level area place the valve
stem perpendicular to the ground and mark the spot. Get
on the bike and with your weight bearing on the tires roll
one complete wheel length forward. Mark where the valve
stem is perpendicular to the ground again. Measure the
distance between the two. This number in millimeters is
the most accurate calibration number you can put into the
Reference: The tire size is shown on the side of your tire.
2. Push AC button.
The screen will illuminate for one second and then "km/h"
or "mph" will flash. Push MODE button to switch between
"km/h" and "mph".
3. Push SET/AT button.
The speed scale is now set. The wheel circumference set
up screen now appears. The wheel circumference icon
and the preset wheel circumference (2096) flash.
4. Change the value.
• Push MODE button to increase the number.
• Push LAP button to decrease the number.
Hold down the button for rapid advancement.
You can easily change a value for another wheel circumfer-
at this stage.
Push MODE and LT buttons simultaneously to switch to
and change the value by the same procedure de-
scribed in 4.
5. Push SET/AT button.
The wheel circumference setting is completed. Elapsed
Time TM function appears.
Switching the
speed scale
The wheel
setting screen
Increase the number
Decrease the number
Completes the
wheel circumference
Setting Values Cross
Reference Table
Tire Size L(mm)
24 x 1 1753
24 x 3/4 Tubular 1785
24 x 1-1/8 Tubular 1795
24 x 1-1/4 1905
24 x 1.75 1890
24 x 2.00 1925
24 x 2.125 1965
26 x 1(559mm) 1913
26 x 1(650C) 1952
26 x 1.25 1953
26 x 1-1/8 Tubular 1970
26 x 1-3/8 2068
26 x 1-1/2 2100
26 x 1.40 2005
26 x 1.50 1985
26 x 1.75 2023
26 x 1.95 2050
26 x 2.00 2055
26 x 2.1 2068
26 x 2.125 2070
26 x 2.35 2083
27 x 1 2145
27 x 1-1/8 2155
27 x 1-1/4 2161
27 x 1-3/8 2169
650 x 35A 2090
650 x 38A 2125
650 x 38B 2105
700 x 18C 2070
700 x 19C 2090
700 x 20C 2086
700 x 23C 2096
700 x 25C 2105
700 x 28C 2136
700 x 30C 2170
700 x 32C 2155
700C Tubular 2130
700 x 35C 2168
700 x 38C 2180
700 x 44C 2224