S Current Speed
The present speed is displayed. It is updated once a second.
Range: 0.0(3.0)~65.9 mph [0.0(4.0)~105.9 km/h]
LP Lap Count
The lap count from the start to the present time is displayed. This is the sub function of Clock
Time (or Current Speed). The Lap data returns to zero when the MSC is reset.
Range: LP-00 ~ LP-50
AvS Average Speed
The average speed from the start to the present time is displayed. The Average Speed data
returns to zero when the MSC is reset. When the elapsed time exceeds 27:46'39", or the trip
distance exceeds 999.99 mile[km], (.E) will appear on the display and calculation of average
speed ceases indicating an Error.
Range: 0.0~65.9 mph [0.0~105.9 km/h]
MxS Maximum Speed
The maximum instantaneous speed is displayed. This is the sub function of Average Speed. The
Max Speed data returns to zero when the MSC is reset.
Range: 0.0 (3.0) ~ 65.9 mph [0.0 (4.0) ~ 105.9 km/h]
Dst Trip Distance
The trip distance from the start to the present time is displayed. The distance data returns to zero
when the MSC is reset.
Range: 0.00~999.99 mile [km]
Odo Total Distance
The trip distance is accumulated continuously. This is the sub function of Trip Distance. From 0
to 9,999.9, the increment is 0.1; from 10,000 to 99,999, the increment is 1.
Range: 0.0 ~ 9,999.9/10,000 ~ 99,999 mile [km]
PTm Time in Pulse Zone (Time in Training Zone) Readout Screen
In the readout screen, the time spent within the heart rate target zone is displayed.
The upper and middle displays indicate the upper and the lower limit of the zone respectively,
and the lower display indicates the time spent in that heart rate zone.