Se**ing the Force
The force setting button is located on the left panel of
the motor uniL The force setting measures the
amount of force required to open and close the door.
t.. Locatethe purple button on theleft panel of the motor
unit (Figure !),.
2. Push the purple button twice to enter the opener into
Force Adjustment Mode (Figure 1) The LED (Indicator
Light) will flash quickly..
3. Push the remote control or control console (Figure 2).
The door will travel to the DOWN (close) position. Push
the remote control or control console again, the door
will travel to the UP (open) position,. Push the remote
control or control console a third time to send the door
to the DOWN (close) position,
The LED (Indicator Light) wil stop flashing when the force
has been learned.
The opener has learned the forces required to open and
close your door
The door must travel through a complete cycle, UP and
DOWN, in order for the force to be set properly. If the
opener cannot open and close your door fully, inspect
your door to insure that it is balanced properly and is not
sticking or binding. See page 3, "Preparing your
garage door."
Withouta properlyinstalledsafetyreversalsystem,p_rsons
(particularlysmall children)couldbe SERIOUSLYiNJUREDor
KILLEDbya closinggaragedoor.
. Too muchforce on garagedoor will interferewith proper
operationof safetyreversalsystem
=NEVERuseadfustmentsto compensatefor a binding or
=After ANYadjustmentsaremade,thesafetyreversalsystem
MUSTbetested.Door MUSTreverseon contactwith 1-1/2"
(3.8cm) high object (or 2x4 laid flat) onfloor,
Figure I
Push Purple button
twice 1oenter
unit into Force
Adjustment Mode
Figure 2