Attach the Emergency Release Rope
and Handle
• Thread one end of the rope through the hole in the top
of the red handle so "NOTICE" reads right side up as
shown. Secure with an overhand knot at least 1"
(2,,5cm) from the end of the rope to prevent slipping
° Thread the other end of the rope through the hole inthe
release arm of the outer trolley,,
° Adjust rope length so the handle is 6 feet (18 m) above
the floor.,Ensure that the rope and handle clear the tops
of all vehicles to avoid entanglemenL Secure with an
overhand knot,
NOTE: If it is necessary to cut the rope, heat seal the cut
end with a match or lighter to prevent unraveling,
To preventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a falling
• If possible,useemergencyreleasehandleto disengage
trolley ONLYwhengaragedoor is CLOSEDWeakor broken
springs or unbalanceddoor couldresult inan opendoor
falling rapidlyand/or unexpectedly,
° NEVERuse emergencyreleasehandleunlessgarage
doorwayis clearofpersonsand obstructions
° NEVERuse handleto pu_ldoor openor closed,,If ropeknot
becomesuntied,you couldfall,
! ,
Release arm
Emergency -_ ,,,_ Overhand
Release HandJe ,_Kn ot