Test the Safety Reversal System
• With the door fully open, place a 1-1/2" (38 cm) board
(or a 2x4 laid flat) on the floor,centered under the
garage door,
= Operate the door in the down direction.. The door must
reverse on striking the obstruction
• if the door stops on the obstruction, it is not traveling far
enough in the down direction Complete Adjustment
Steps 1 and 2 Programming the Limits and Forces.
NOTE: On a sectional door, make sure limit adjustments
do not force the door arm beyond a straight up and
down position. See Figure 3, page 26.
• Repeat the tesL
• When the door reverses on the 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) board (or
2x4 laid fiat), remove the obstruction and run the opener
through 3 or 4 complete travel cycles to test adjustment,.
• tf the unit continues to fail the Safety Reverse Test, call
for a trained door systems technician
Test the Safety Reverse System after:
° Each adjustment of door arm length, limits, or force
= Any repair to or adjustment of the garage door
(including springs and hardware)..
o Any repair to or buckling of the garage floor..
° Any repair toor adjustment of the opener..
Withouta properly installedsafetyreversatsystem,persons
(particularlysmallchildren)could beSERIOUSLYINJUREDor
KlLLEDbya closing garagedoor
• SafetyreversalsystemMUSTbetested everymonth
° AfterANYadjustmentsare made,thesafetyreversalsystem
MUSTbe tested,DoorMUSTreverseoncontactwith t-t/2"
high (3 8 cm) object (or 2x4laidflat) on thefloor..
12 (3 8 cm) board
(or a 2x4 laid flat)
Test The Protector System s
(Safety Sensors)
• Press the remote control push button to open the door
• Place the opener carton in the path of the door..
° Press the remote control push button to close the door.
The door will not move more than an inch (2.5 cm), and
the opener lights will flash..
The garage door opener will not close from a remote ifthe
indicatorlight in either sensor is off (alerting you to the fact
that the sensor is misaligned or obstructed)..
if the opener closes the door when the safety
reversing sensor is obstructed (and the sensors are
no more than 6" (15 cm) above the floor), call for a
trained door systems technician,
Withouta properly installedsafetyreversingsensor,persons
(particularlysmallchildren)could be SERIOUSLYINJUREDor
KILLEDbya closing garagedoor,
Safeb , Reversing Sensor Saiety Reversing