-15- Followspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5
Turns the lamp on or off
1) Press <MENU> repeatedly until the display shows
The display will start blinking.
2) Press <ENTER>.
The display will show the current lamp status (On/Off).
Lamp Off
3) To turn the lamp off, press <UP> or <DOWN> until the display shows off.
4) Press <ENTER> to save the change.
The display will stop blinking and the lamp will turn off immediately.
In eight seconds, the display will start showing the current DMX address.
Lamp On
5) To turn the lamp on, press <UP> or <DOWN> until the display shows on.
6) Press <ENTER> to save the change.
The display will stop blinking and the lamp will start to turn on immediately.
In eight seconds, the display will start showing the current DMX address.
Resets all the settings to their factory defaults
1) Press <MENU> repeatedly until the display shows
The display will start blinking.
2) Press <ENTER> to start the defaulting process.
The display will stop blinking and it will show 1200.
All DMX channels will return to their default settings.
The reset function does not affect the Fixture Hours total.
Offset Mode
The Offset mode provides fine position adjustment for the co
lor wheel, the effects (color
temperature) wheel and the dimmer. These fine adjustments allow the operator to
position the wheels so the light goes through the center of the color or effect aperture,
thus preventing any filter border from showing. In the case of the dimmer, the fine
adjustment ensures that at 0% dimmer (maximum light), the dimmer is not affecting the
light beam.
Entering Offset Mode
1) Press <MENU> for five seconds.
The display will show the first offset mode function.
Performs the fine position adjustment for the color wheel
1) Press <UP> or <DOWN> repeatedly until the display shows
2) Press <ENTER>.
The display will start blinking, showing the current value (-127~127).
3) Press <UP> or <DOWN> to set the new value.
4) Press <ENTER> to save the new value or <MENU> to exit without saving.
Performs the fine position adjustment for the effects wheel
1) Press <UP> or <DOWN> repeatedly until the display shows
2) Press <ENTER>.
The display will start blinking, showing the current value (-127~127).
3) Press <UP> or <DOWN> to set the new value.
4) Press <ENTER> to save the new value or <MENU> to exit without saving.