Followspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5 -16-
Performs the fine position adjustment for the dimmer
1) Press <UP> or <DOWN> repeatedly until the display shows
2) Press <ENTER>.
The display will start blinking, showing the current value (-127~127).
3) Press <UP> or <DOWN> to set the new value.
4) Press <ENTER> to save the new value or <MENU> to exit without saving.
Exiting Offset Mode
1) After you are done, wait eight seconds for the display timer to activate.
The display will show the current DMX address.
The external console ships already installed on the Followspot 1200 handle. This
console has dedicated sliders and buttons to control only the associated fixture.
In addition, the external console connects to the Followspot 1200 using a dedicated 5-
pin XLR connector on the control panel.
Pins 4 and 5 of the External Console Only socket carry power for the external
console. Therefore, DO NOT connect the DMX cable to this socket. Otherwise,
you could damage the DMX controller or the fixtures connected to the DMX link.
The external console controls have pre-assigned functions and labels. This simplifies
the fixture’s operation.
When the Followspot 1200 is in any of its programming modes, the external
console is not operational.
External Console Diagram
The dimmer has a Blackout and an Open button. This allows the operator to keep the
slider at a fixed position when closing the dimmer to 0% or opening it to 100%.
When the dimmer is open after having pressed the Open button, the operator can
resume the sl
ider control by gently touching the slider. Resuming slider control after
blacking out the dimmer is not possible, however.
The shutter has no fixed position buttons to operate along with the slider. This slider
has a closed and an open posit
ion on the left side, while the right side has another
open position.
The shutter frequency changes from short yet separated openings to a fast strobe-like
action as the slider moves from left to right.
The iris has a Closed and an Open button. As with the dimmer, this allows the operator
to keep the slider at a fixed position when closing the iris to its
its maximum.
The slider operation can resume by slightly touching the slider after having set the iris
to either its maximum or minimum aperture by using the corresponding button.
The focus control has no fixed buttons to operate along the slider, either. The focus
changes from near to far as the slider moves from left to right.
Color Control
The button on the left lower corner of the console determines the way the color
changes. If it is in the Fixed Color position, buttons 1 to 9 determine the color. If it is in
the Color Scroll position, buttons 1 to 9 determine the scrolling speed (slow to fast).
Color Temperature
The color temperature control is independent from the color control mode. It has three
positions, 6000º K, Frost and 3200º K.