Q-Wash 260-LED User Manual Rev. 05 -13-
Fan Control
This option defines how you can control the fan speed, whether with the DMX controller or
only from the control panel.
1. Go to MENU > SPECIAL > FAN.
2. Select DMX or SYSTEM.
Enables the DMX controller to control the fan speed (Control function).
Restricts the control of the fan speed to the control panel..
Color Calibration
If necessary, you may adjust the color temperature of each of the macros (White1~11).
1. Go to MENU > EXTRA.
2. Press <ENTER> (PASSWORD) will show on the display.
3. Press <ENTER> (**** will show on the display).
4. Enter the password, as explained in Keylock (CALIB will show on the
5. Press <ENTER> (3200K will show on the display).
6. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select another color temperature (3400~10000 K),
or press <ENTER> to edit the current temperature.
7. Select RED, GREEN, or BLUE.
8. Select a value (000~255).
9. Repeat for the other colors.
White Calibration
You may calibrate the white color shown when the RGB faders are at “255” and the
1. Go to MENU > EXTRA.
2. Press <ENTER> (PASSWORD) will show on the display.
3. Press <ENTER> (**** will show on the display).
4. Enter the password, as explained in Keylock (CALIB will show on the
5. Press <ENTER> (3200K will show on the display).
6. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select RGBW.
7. Select RED, GREEN, or BLUE.
8. Select a value (000~255).
9. Repeat for the other colors.