Q-Wash 260-LED User Manual Rev. 05 -3-
2. Introduction
The Q-Wash 260-LED is an RGB LED narrow beam wash moving head. The product
consists of a base and a moving head on a yoke. The LEDs are inside ducts, which, along
with special optics, provide a very narrow beam angle. With the addition of the custom cut
1 color blending filter, the product will produce a homogenized beam of light.
9-channel: Pan, tilt, red, green, blue, color/macros, dimmer, strobe, control
12-channel: Pan, pan fine, tilt, tilt fine, pan/tilt speed, red, green, blue, color/macros,
dimmer, strobe, control
Pan: 540
Tilt: 270
RGB static color mixing with or without DMX control
Electronic strobe (1~20 Hz)
Electronic dimmer (0~100%)
High power setting
Remote product reset and vector speed channel
Auto programs
Sound activated programs
255-step fully customizable program
Recall auto or custom programs via control panel or DMX
Color temperature presets (3,200~10,000 K)
Color calibration
Custom cut 1° color blending filter
Fan speed control
3-pin DMX input and output connectors
LCD screen with password protection
5° diffusion filter (Item Code: 01110420)
10° diffusion filter (Item Code: 01110391)