Engine Coolant Temperature Gage
United States Canada
This gage shows the engine coolant temperature.
It also provides an indicator of how hard the vehicle is
working. During a majority of the operation, the gage
reads 210° F (100° C) or less. If a load is being pulled
or going up hills, it is normal for the temperature to
fluctuate and go over the 235° F (113° C) mark.
However, if the gage reaches the 260° F (125° C) mark,
it indicates that the cooling system is working beyond its
Oil Pressure Gage
United States Canada
The oil pressure gage shows the engine oil pressure
in psi (pounds per square inch) when the engine is
running. Canadian vehicles indicate pressure in
kPa (kilopascals).
Oil pressure should be 29 to 80 psi (200 to 550 kPa).
In certain situations, such as long extended idles on
hot days, it could read as low as 15 psi (105 kPa) and
still be considered normal.