If the vehicle has a remote positive (+), it is located
under a red plastic cover at the positive battery
post. To uncover the remote positive(+) terminal,
open the red plastic cover.
5. The remote negative(−) is a solid engine ground.
An electric fan can start up even when the engine
is not running and can injure you. Keep hands,
clothing and tools away from any underhood
electric fan.
Using an open flame near a battery can cause
battery gas to explode. People have been hurt
doing this, and some have been blinded. Use a
flashlight if you need more light.
Be sure the battery has enough water. You do not
need to add water to the battery installed in your
new vehicle. But if a battery has filler caps, be
sure the right amount of fluid is there. If it is low,
add water to take care of that first. If you do not,
explosive gas could be present.