Chapter 3 Installing the Router
IOS Software Configuration for the Router
Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Conditions to Check Before System Startup
Ensure that the following conditions are met before starting up the router:
• All cards are completely inserted into their card cage slots
• All captive screws are tightened
• All interface cable connections are secure
• All the power source cables are secured to the PDU
• All power cables are connected to the appropriate power source
• A terminal device is connected, powered on, and configured to 9600 bps,
8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits (9600,8N2)
• A Flash memory card containing a valid Cisco IOS software image is inserted
in PCMCIA slot 0 (zero)
By default, the software configuration register is set to 0x0102, causing the
system to boot automatically from the Cisco IOS software image stored on the
Flash memory card. New Flash memory cards must be formatted before use. To
format a new Flash memory card, refer to the section “Formatting a Flash Memory
Card, page 3-67”.
Table 3-11 Cisco IOS Software Image Sources
Onboard Flash Memory
on the Gigabit Route
Processor (GRP)
The latest Cisco IOS software image is loaded into the
Flash memory, a single inline memory module (SIMM)
that is preloaded at the factory before the router is
shipped. The Flash memory SIMM is also referred to as
nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM). This
type of memory retains its contents when system power
is off.
Flash Memory Card
A Flash memory card inserted in a PCMCIA slot on the
GRP, and loaded with the default software image, can
serve as an external storage medium for the default Cisco
IOS software image shipped with your router.
TFTP Server
You can download and store a valid Cisco IOS software
image via a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) using
a Telnet connection.