Chapter 3 Installing the Router
Using Flash Memory Cards in the RP
Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Router# cd slot0:
Router# pwd
Router# cd bootflash:
Router# pwd
To list the directory contents of the Flash memory media in use, enter the
dir [device-name] command at the privileged EXEC mode prompt, where
device-name can be slot0:, slot1:, or bootflash:.
A sample use of the dir command follows.
Router# dir
Directory of slot0:/
1 -rw- 122015 Sep 30 2002 15:03:55 myfile1
2 -rw- 2054979 Sep 30 2002 15:17:33 gsr-diag-mz.RELEASE28
3 -rw- 6670560 Sep 30 2002 15:22:49 gsr-p-mz.p7
4 -rw- 5560 Oct 08 2002 16:54:53 info
20578304 bytes total (9661756 bytes free)
To delete a file from a Flash memory media, use the cd command to select the
Flash memory media and enter the delete filename command at the privileged
EXEC mode prompt, where filename is any file within the selected Flash memory
An example of deleting the file info from the current Flash memory directory
Router# delete slot0:info
Router# dir
Directory of slot0:/
1 -rw- 122015 Sep 30 2002 15:03:55 myfile1
2 -rw- 2054979 Sep 30 2002 15:17:33 gsr-diag-mz.RELEASE28
3 -rw- 6670560 Sep 30 2002 15:22:49 gsr-p-mz.p7
20578304 bytes total (9661756 bytes free)
Files that are deleted from the current Flash memory directory are removed from
the directory list, but are not erased; they still occupy space in Flash memory. This
feature allows you to recover a deleted file later using the undelete command.