Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring VLANs
Configuring VMPS
Configuring VMPS
The VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) is used to support dynamic-access ports, which are not permanently
assigned to a VLAN, but give VLAN assignments based on the MAC source addresses seen on the port.
Each time an unknown MAC address is seen, the switch sends a VQP query to a remote VMPS; the query
includes the newly seen MAC address and the port on which it was seen. The VMPS responds with a
VLAN assignment for the port. The switch cannot be a VMPS server but can act as a client to the VMPS
and communicate with it through VQP.
These sections contain this information:
• “Understanding VMPS” section on page 12-28
• “Default VMPS Client Configuration” section on page 12-30
• “VMPS Configuration Guidelines” section on page 12-30
• “Configuring the VMPS Client” section on page 12-30
• “Monitoring the VMPS” section on page 12-33
• “Troubleshooting Dynamic-Access Port VLAN Membership” section on page 12-34
• “VMPS Configuration Example” section on page 12-34
Understanding VMPS
Each time the client switch receives the MAC address of a new host, it sends a VQP query to the VMPS.
When the VMPS receives this query, it searches its database for a MAC-address-to-VLAN mapping. The
server response is based on this mapping and whether or not the server is in open or secure mode. In
secure mode, the server shuts down the port when an illegal host is detected. In open mode, the server
simply denies the host access to the port.
Step 11
interface gigabitethernet1/0/1 Define the interface on which to set the STP cost, and enter interface
configuration mode.
Step 12
spanning-tree vlan 2-4 cost 30 Set the spanning-tree path cost to 30 for VLANs 2 through 4.
Step 13
end Return to global configuration mode.
Step 14
Repeat Steps 9 through 13 on the other configured trunk interface on
Switch A, and set the spanning-tree path cost to 30 for VLANs 8, 9, and
Step 15
exit Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 16
show running-config Verify your entries. In the display, verify that the path costs are set
correctly for both trunk interfaces.
Step 17
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose