Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 41 Configuring Cisco IOS IP SLAs Operations
Configuring IP SLAs Operations
Step 3
udp-jitter {destination-ip-address
| destination-hostname}
destination-port [source-ip
{ip-address | hostname}]
[source-port port-number]
[control {enable | disable}]
[num-packets number-of-packets]
[interval interpacket-interval]
Configure the IP SLAs operation as a UDP jitter operation, and enter UDP
jitter configuration mode.
• destination-ip-address | destination-hostname—Specify the destination IP
address or hostname.
• destination-port—Specify the destination port number in the range from 1
to 65535.
• (Optional) source-ip {ip-address | hostname}—Specify the source IP
address or hostname. When a source IP address or hostname is not
specified, IP SLAs chooses the IP address nearest to the destination
• (Optional) source-port port-number—Specify the source port number in
the range from 1 to 65535. When a port number is not specified, IP SLAs
chooses an available port.
• (Optional) control—Enable or disable sending of IP SLAs control
messages to the IP SLAs responder. By default, IP SLAs control messages
are sent to the destination device to establish a connection with the IP
SLAs responder
• (Optional) num-packets number-of-packets—Enter the number of
packets to be generated. The range is 1 to 6000; the default is 10.
• (Optional) interval inter-packet-interval—Enter the interval between
sending packets in milliseconds. The range is 1 to 6000; the default value
is 20 ms.
Step 4
frequency seconds (Optional) Set the rate at which a specified IP SLAs operation repeats. The
range is from 1 to 604800 seconds; the default is 60 seconds.
Step 5
exit Exit UDP jitter configuration mode, and return to global configuration mode.
Step 6
ip sla monitor schedule
operation-number [life {forever |
seconds}] [start-time {hh:mm [:ss]
[month day | day month] | pending
| now | after hh:mm:ss] [ageout
seconds] [recurring]
Configure the scheduling parameters for an individual IP SLAs operation.
• operation-number—Enter the RTR entry number.
• (Optional) life—Set the operation to run indefinitely (forever) or for a
specific number of seconds. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. The
default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
• (Optional) start-time—Enter the time for the operation to begin collecting
To start at a specific time, enter the hour, minute, second (in 24-hour
notation), and day of the month. If no month is entered, the default is
the current month.
Enter pending to select no information collection until a start time is
Enter now to start the operation immediately.
Enter after hh:mm:ss to show that the operation should start after the
entered time has elapsed.
• (Optional) ageout seconds—Enter the number of seconds to keep the
operation in memory when it is not actively collecting information. The
range is 0 to 2073600 seconds, the default is 0 seconds (never ages out).
• (Optional) recurring—Set the operation to automatically run every day.
Command Purpose