Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 52 Configuring Online Diagnostics
Running Online Diagnostic Tests
Starting Online Diagnostic Tests
After you configure diagnostic tests to run on the switch, use the diagnostic start privileged EXEC
command to begin diagnostic testing.
Use this privileged EXEC command to manual
ly start online diagnostic testing:
After starting the tests, you cannot stop the testing process.
This example shows how to start a diagnostic test by using the test name:
Switch# diagnostic start switch 2 test TestInlinePwrCtlr
This example shows how to start all of the basic diagnostic tests:
Switch# diagnostic start switch 1 test all
Displaying Online Diagnostic Tests and Test Results
You can display the online diagnostic tests that are configured for the switch or switch stack and check
the test results by using the privileged EXEC show commands in Table 52-1:
Command Purpose
diagnostic start switch num
test {name | test-id | test-id-range
| all | basic | non-disruptive}
Start the diagnostic tests.
The switc
h number keyword is supported only on Catalyst 3750-X switches. The range is
from 1 to 9.
You can specify the tests by using one of these options:
• name—Enter the name of the test. Use the show diagnostic content privileged EXEC
command to display the test ID list.
• test-id—Enter the ID number of the test. Use the show diagnostic content privileged
EXEC command to display the test ID list.
• test-id-range—Enter the range of test IDs by using integers separated by a comma
and a hyphen. For more information, see the diagnostic start command in the
command reference for this release.
• all—Use this keyword when you want to run all of the tests.
• basic—Use this keyword when you want to run the basic test suite.
• non-disruptive—Use this keyword when you want to run the non-disruptive test
Ta ble 52-1 Commands for Diagnostic Test Configuration and Results
Command Purpose
show diagnostic content switch [nu
mber | all]
Display the online diagnostics configured for a switch.
show diagnostic status Display the currently running diagnostic tests.
show diagnostic result switch [num
ber | all]
[detail |
test {nam
e | test-id | test-id-range | all} [detail]]
Display the online diagnostics test results.
show diagnostic switch [nu
mber | all]
[detail] Display the online diagnostics test results.