Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Managing the MAC Address Table
You can verify your settings by entering the show mac address-table notification threshold privileged
EXEC commands.
Adding and Removing Static Address Entries
A static address has these characteristics:
• It is manually entered in the address table and must be manually removed.
• It can be a unicast or multicast address.
• It does not age and is retained when the switch restarts.
You can add and remove static addresses and define
the forwarding behavior for them. The forwarding
behavior defines how a port that receives a packet forwards it to another port for transmission. Because
all ports are associated with at least one VLAN, the switch acquires the VLAN ID for the address from
the ports that you specify. You can specify a different list of destination ports for each source port.
A packet with a static address that arr
ives on a VLAN where it has not been statically entered is flooded
to all ports and not learned.
You add a static address to the address table by specifying the destination MA
C unicast address and the
VLAN from which it is received. Packets received with this destination address are forwarded to the
interface specified with the interface-id option.
When you configure a static MAC address in a private-V
LAN primary or secondary VLAN, you should
also configure the same static MAC address in all associated VLANs. Static MAC addresses configured
in a private-VLAN primary or secondary VLAN are not replicated in the associated VLAN. For more
information about private VLANs, see Chapter 18, “Configuring Private VLANs.”
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follo
w these steps to add a static address:
To remove static entries from the address table, use the no mac ad
dress-table static mac-addr vlan
vlan-id [interface interface-id] global configuration command.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
mac address-table static mac-addr
vlan vlan-id interface interface-id
Add a static address to the MAC address table.
• For mac-addr, specify the destination MAC unicast address to add to
the address table. Packets with this destination address received in the
specified VLAN are forwarded to the specified interface.
• For vlan-id, specify the VLAN for which the packet with the
specified MAC address is received. Valid VLAN IDs are 1 to 4094.
• For interface-id, specify the interface to which the received packet is
forwarded. Valid interfaces include physical ports or port channels.
For static multicast addresses, you can enter multiple interface IDs.
For static unicast addresses, you can enter only one interface at a
time, but you can enter the command multiple times with the same
MAC address and VLAN ID.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show mac address-table static Verify your entries.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.