Catalyst 2948G-L3 and Catalyst 4908G-L3 Software Feature and Configuration Guide
78-10408-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)W5(15d)
Chapter 3 Initial Switch Router Configurations
Using the Boot Flash Memory SIMM
Viewing the Contents of Boot Flash Memory
You can perform the following tasks with the associated commands to view the contents of the onboard
boot flash memory SIMM:
• To determine which file system device you are accessing, use the print working directory (pwd)
Router# pwd
• To list the directory contents of any boot flash memory media, use the dir [bootflash: ] command.
Router# dir
Directory of bootflash:/
1 -rw- 3153784 <no date> cat2948g-in-mz.old
2 -rw- 3153932 <no date> cat2948g-in-mz
16777216 bytes total (7315372 bytes free)
Deleting Files from Boot Flash Memory
When you delete a file from boot flash memory, the system marks the file as deleted. Deleted files
cannot be recovered. The boot flash memory is not released after the image file has been deleted, only
the image file is marked as deleted.
Caution When deleting files from memory, be careful not to delete all the system images. You
should always retain one known good image as a backup image.
To delete a file, use the delete command. The following example demonstrates how a specified image
file is deleted using the delete command.
Router# dir
Directory of bootflash:/
1 -rw- 3153784 <no date> cat2948g-in-mz.old
2 -rw- 3153932 <no date> cat2948g-in-mz
16777216 bytes total (7315372 bytes free)
Router# delete cat2948g-in-mz.old
Delete filename [cat2948g-in-mz.old]?
Delete bootflash:cat2948g-in-mz.old? [confirm]
Router# dir
Directory of bootflash:/
2 -rw- 3153932 <no date> cat2948g-in-mz
16777216 bytes total (7315372 bytes free)