5. Activate the image. After downloading the image file to the chassis controller, it must be installed
to become active. The install command installs the specified image file into the system.
a. In the privileged-execute mode, enter install image:image-file-name.img
6. Specify the new boot image to be used.
a. Find the name of your new system image by entering the dir image command. Copy the name
of the new image.
b. Enter boot-config primary-image-source, then paste the copied image file name.
7. Reset the individual Controller card without rebooting the whole chassis.
Upgrading Individual Node Cards
Upgrading a Node Card with the CLI
For the commands needed to upgrade a node card using the CLI, refer to the CLI Reference Guide.
SFS-270# install image:SFS-270-TopspinOS-2.2.0-build531.img
*****************operation completed successfully
SFS-270# configure
SFS-270(config)# boot-config primary-image-source TopspinOS-2.2.0/build531
SFS-270(config)# exit
SFS-270(config)# card 12
SFS-270(config-card-12)# action reset