4. Use the show diag fru-error command to display any errors that appear in the result-string.
5. Reboot the chassis when the self-test is complete.
Run Power Supply Tests
The following tests are available to locate and diagnose fan modules:
•LED page 98
•Self-Test page 99
Run a LED Test on the Power Supply
Use the LED test to blink the LED and identify a specific power supply.
SFS-270# show diag fru-error
fru-slot fru-error
card(1) none
card(2) none
card(7) none
card(8) none
card(9) none
card(10) none
card(11) none
card(12) none
card(13) none
card(14) none
card(15) none
card(17) none
fan(1) none
fan(2) none
SFS-270# reload
System configuration is modified. Save? [yes(default) | no | filename] y
Proceed with reload? [yes(default) | no] y
SFS-270> enable
SFS-270# config
SFS-270(config)# diag power-supply 1
SFS-270(config-diag-power-supply-1)# test led
SFS-270(config-diag-power-supply-1)# start
SFS-270(config-diag-power-supply-1)# stop