Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Getting Started Guide
Chapter 5 CLI Tips, Techniques, and Shortcuts
Key Combinations
Key Combinations to Move the Cursor
Table 5-8 shows the key combinations or sequences you can use to move the cursor around on the
command line to make corrections or changes. When you use cursor control keys, consider the following
• Ctrl indicates the Control key, which must be pressed simultaneously with its associated letter key.
• Esc indicates the Escape key, which must be pressed first, followed by its associated letter key.
• Keys are not case sensitive.
Ta b l e 5-8 Key Combinations Used to Move the Cursor
Keystrokes Function Moves the Cursor
Left arrow or Ctrl-B Back character One character to the left.When you enter a command that extends
beyond a single line, you can press the left arrow or Ctrl-B keys
repeatedly to scroll back toward the system prompt and verify the
beginning of the command entry, or you can press the Ctrl-A key
Right arrow or Ctrl-F Forward character One character to the right.
Esc, B Back word Back one word.
Esc, F Forward word Forward one word.
Ctrl-A Beginning of line To the beginning of the line.
Ctrl-E End of line To the end of the command line.
Keystrokes to Control Capitalization
Letters can be uppercase or lowercase using simple key sequences. Table 5-9 describes the keystroke
combinations used to control capitalization.
Note Cisco IOS XR commands are generally case insensitive and typically all in lowercase.
Ta b l e 5-9 Keystrokes Used to Control Capitalization
Keystrokes Purpose
Esc, C Makes the letter at the cursor uppercase.
Esc, L Changes the word at the cursor to lowercase.
Esc, U Makes letters from the cursor to the end of the word uppercase.