Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Getting Started Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring General Router Features
Logging In to a Router
Predefined User Groups
Cisco IOS XR Software includes a set of predefined user groups that meets the needs of most
organizations. These groups are described in
Table 3-2.
Ta b l e 3-2 Predefined User Group Descriptions
User Group Privileges
root-system Display and execute all commands for all RPs in the system.
root-lr Display and execute all commands within a single RP.
sysadmin Perform system administration tasks for the router, such as
maintaining where the core dumps are stored or setting up the Network
Time Protocol (NTP) clock.
netadmin Configure network protocols, like Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
(usually used by network administrators).
operator Perform day-to-day monitoring activities, and have limited
configuration rights.
cisco-support Debug and troubleshoot features (usually, used by Cisco Technical
Support personnel).
For information on configuring user groups, see Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router
System Security Configuration Guide..
Viewing Your User Groups and Task IDs
To view user groups and task IDs associated with your account, enter show user in EXEC mode.
Table 3-3 summarizes this command’s options.
Ta b l e 3-3 Account Information Options
Command Description
show user Displays your user name
show user tasks Displays the task IDs assigned to your account
show user group Displays the user groups assigned to your account
show user all Displays all user groups and task ID information for your account
show aaa usergroup group-name Displays the task IDs assigned to a user group
The following examples illustrate how to view user privileges:
• show user Command: Example, page 3-9
• show user tasks Command: Example, page 3-9
• show user group Command: Example, page 3-9
• show user all Command: Example, page 3-9
• show aaa usergroup Command: Example, page 3-10