DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Detailed Operation and Configuration
DS71-MD4 Main Menu
The menu may vary according to the number of DS74 modules installed in the unit. With a proper
connection to the unit upon power-up or unit reset, the following menu is displayed:
NOTE: Only the Admin user will see the Configuration, Unit Reset, and I/O Module Reset
options. All users will see only the ports assigned to them, alone with ‘Exit’ and ‘Logout’.
Configuration Menu
The configuration menu allows the admin user to choose a module to access and edit its configuration.
The following pages define each line of the configuration menu. Changes take effect immediately.
Host Module Configuration
Enter the number that corresponds with the Host Module followed by a <cr> and the Host Module
responds without the option description:
Module 2: admin on Host EIA-232
Device A (2,1).........1
Device B (2,2).........2
Device C (2,3).........3
Device D (2,4).........4
DS-RPC (5,1).........5
Configuration .................C Module setup
I/O Modules Reset ............RM Reset all I/O ports
Unit Reset ...................RU Resets DS-unit. All internal and external
communications are lost
Exit ..........................X Access to additional menu options
Logout ........................T Logout the user
Enter Request :c
Module Configuration
DS71-MD4 (2)..........1 Host Module
DS74 (3)..........2 I/O EIA232 ports
DS-RPC (5)..........3 Assign users, outlet name, Enable/Disable
confirmation/status menu, unit id, alarm set
Enter Request :