DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Auto Connect
This feature allows the admin to select the module and port that the user will be automatically connected
on dial-in. The auto connect port has priority over the login setup menu enable/disable selection, thus
prevent the menu selection screen from appearing at the initial login sequence.
Select 1) to assign module and port.
Select 2) to turn on or off the Auto Connect feature
Dial-Back Number
This feature allows user to dial in, hang up and the unit dials the assigned number back when using a
secure phone line. Select a user number and the module displays the following:
Select “Phone number” option to enter a phone number assigned to the user.
Select “Dialback” option to enable or disable the dial back feature. Default is Disabled.
|User| Name | M: P | Auto |
| 1 | admin | 1: 1 | Disabled |
Dial-in Auto Connect Port .............1
Enabled/Disable .......................2
Exit ..................................X,CR
Enter Request :1
Enter Auto Connect Module (1 to 9): 2
Enter Auto Connect Port (1 to 4):4
Enable ? (Y/N, CR for no change):
User Dialback Phone number
Dialback Delay:10 seconds
|User| Name | Phone number | Dialback |
| 1 | admin | | Disabled |
Phone number ..........................1
Dialback option .......................2
Dialback Delay ........................3
Exit ..................................X,CR
Dial back Phone number is .............
Enter new Phone number (<= 15 digits):
Dial back option is ...................Disable
Enable ? (Y/N, CR for no change):