Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
Sample Output:
Note Port counter descriptions:
Transmit, Packets - The number of packets transmitted by the port, not including flow control
Transmit, Words - The number of data words transmitted by the port, not including flow control
and VCRC data.
Transmit, Wait - The number of 4ns ticks during which the port had data to transmit but no data
was sent either because of insufficient credits or because of lack of arbitration.
Receive, Packets - The number of data packets received by the port, not including flow control
Receive, Words - The number of data words received by the port, not including flow control and
VCRC data.
Errors, Rcv - Number of symbol errors received on the port.
Errors, Rmt - Number of switch relay errors received on the port.
• For the SFS 7012, the counters for the cable ports as well as the ports for each line card are shown.
For switches with more than 24 ports, the user is prompted to continue the output after each group
of 24 ports are displayed. This command is best displayed with a terminal width of at least 120
Displays the entries in the linear forwarding table. LIDs and a cooresponding port are shown. A
packet addressed to a LID will be forwared to the cooresonding port listed in the displayed table.
ismPortCounters [-clear] [-active] [-errors]
[-potential] [-noprompt]
Clears the counters. Counters are first displayed, then cleared.
Displays only the counters for ports in the active state.
Displays only the counters for ports with receive symbol errors.
Displays only the counters for ports with active link or width under their maximum
supported value.
Does not give the user a 'Continue' prompt for each page of display on switches with more
than 24 ports.
-> ismPortCounters -errors
No ports with symbol errors.