Argument Type Size Values
Message String 40 For the telephone on hook: the message will report the line
voltage, the line current, other results, and if dial tone is
For the telephone off hook: the message will report the line
current, other results, and if dial tone is detected.
The bit mask for the other results is
x x x x x x x x
| | | | | | | |--> set if switched from CTR21 to FCC
because of low current
| | | | | | |--> set if used DIAL bit while dialing
| | | | | |--> set if switch from Low Voltage to Japan
because of current
| | | | |--> set if switch from Low Voltage to FCC because
of current
| | | |--> DAA OVL status
| | |--> DAA DOD status
| |--> DAA OPD status
|--> Not used
For the network check: the box will report if no IP address is
set. If it is set, the box will ping the gateway. The message
will say the ping failed if it is not returned in 5 s. Otherwise,
the message will report how many seconds it took to return
the ping.
TAMODE – Telco Adapt Mode
This command selects/reports the Telco adapt mode.
Command Form: DEVICE TAMODE <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 17 (R)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Auto
1 = Burst
(Null to query in text)