Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) A process in which acoustical echo is removed from a signal. AEC can be
used to remove unwanted signals from mic audio if the unwanted acoustic signal is available separately as an
electronic signal.
Adaptive Ambient This portion of the mixer monitors the varying ambient noise level in the room and changes the
threshold level at which a microphone gates on.
Ambient Level A user-defined background noise level used to control microphone gating (used only if Adaptive
Ambient is disabled).
Ambient Noise The existing room-level noise, such as that caused by ventilation systems, paper shuffling, and
background chatter.
Attack Time Determines how quickly compression is enabled (calibrated in milliseconds). See also Compression,
Compressor, and Threshold.
Attenuation A reduction of signal amplitude.
Audible Hook Indication A series of beeps that indicates when the telephone line goes on or off hook. This feature
can be turned on or off, and the level can be adjusted in the Telco Rx Channel Configuration window.
Audible Ringer Indication When a call comes in, you can hear it ring if Audible Ringer Indication is turned on in
the Telco Rx Channel Configuration window. The ringer level can also be adjusted.
Audio Routing The process of routing input signals to output channels in the Matrix based on default or user-
defined cross points. See also Matrix.
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Automatically increases or decreases audio gain to maintain a consistent audio
Automatic Gating Automatically gates microphones on or off based on gating parameters set in the Mic Input
Channel Configuration window.
Automatic Level Control (ALC) ALC can be selected for telco receive and mic input channels. ALC keeps soft
and loud telephone participants at a consistent level. ALC can be turned on or off in the Telco Rx and Mic Input
Channel Configuration windows. The default is on for Telco Rx and on for mic inputs.
Bandwidth The difference between the lower and upper end points of an audio band. Also, the range or differences
between the limiting frequencies of a continuous frequency band.
Baud Rate The number of signal transitions per second, or the clock rate of the serial bit stream in hertz. Given 7 or
8 bits for data plus start and stop, the approximate ASCII character transmission rate is one-tenth the baud rate.
CD Horn EQ (Constant Directivity Horn Equalizer) Horn drivers used in arenas and auditoriums have an
inherent 6dB/octave high frequency rolloff. The CD Horn EQ compensates for this characteristic.
Chairman Override Provides gating priority for chairman override enabled microphones within the same gating
group. When a mic with chairman override gates on, all mics that don’t have chairman override enabled and are in
the same gating group will gate off.
Clear Effect To reduce bandwidth requirements, telephone lines limit audio bandwidth to a range of 300Hz-3.3kHz.
ClearEffect enhances the incoming signal from a telephone line to emulate wideband audio by adding high and low
frequencies to the audio signal, creating a richer, fuller sound. All output signals routed from an input channel with
ClearEffect enabled are routed as wideband audio.