Advanced Features
Advanced Features
Press Channel Button up or down and the
unit will begin scanning the main channels.
Unit will co ntinue to scan all main channels and
s to p ,if an incoming transmission is dete c te d.
Your microTALK will pick it up for 10 seconds.
Within 10 seconds you can:
Press and hold Talk Bu t ton and talk. Your ra d i o
will re t u rn to Ope r ational Mode on that channel.
Press and release Channel Button up or down
to rescan the main channel.
Proceed to subchannel scan on next page.
Scan Function continued
Scan Function
Press and release Mode Button and
subchannel and Scan Icon will flash.
To scan subchannels:
Press and release Channel Button up or down
and subchannel scanning begins and stops
when an incoming transmission is detected.
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